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Hi, my name is BriAnna and I am currently a marketing student at Pace Univeristy's Pforzheimer Honors College. From as long as I can remember my education has been extremely important to me. I've always strove for excellence whether inside or outside of the classroom and had a true interest in the numbers behind business decisions.


I've also had a passion for the fashion industry from the time I was a little girl. The art, instinct, and knowledge involved in creating, producing, and marketing a design completely amazes me. Once I graduate I hope to use my knowledge of numbers and analytics along with my creative experience to effectively market the brands of these designs in any shape or form.






Vision Statement: To work in an area within the fashion industry that allows me to utilize both my creative and analytical skills to be efficient and effective in my position.

"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit and think about it. Go out and get busy." -Dale Carnegie



I am a big believer in the idea that if you want something bad enough you'll go out and get it. So no matter how difficult or fear-inducing something may seem, I always push myself to do it if it could further my experience in the fashion industry, or business in general.




Recipient of 2015 Celebrate Lubin! Scholarship!

      One student from Pace Univeristy is chosen once a year as

         the recipient based on outstanding academics and              

         commitment to the univeristy and/or community.

Dean's List 2013-2015

        Students that have exemplary academic acheivement.

Pace University's Top 100 Scholars 2014/2015

     Awarded to students with the top 100 GPAs in the university.




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