Who Is The Typical Mobile Shopper?

Electronic retailing has been labeled the way of the future by market researchers since the early 2000s. With the technologically advanced consumer market of today’s world, it seems as though the future has arrived through the heightened use of e-commerce. Whether it be to aid in search, or make out-right purchases, consumers of all ages utilize the advantages of the Internet to make shopping more convenient and efficient. Now that we’ve reached this point in retailing history, marketers are beginning to redirect their focus to another form of electronic retailing- m-commerce. And with a reported 59% of U.S. adults spending their time looking at retailers on their mobile device in 2015, there’s do doubt they should.
But as always with marketing, the question is: who is the target user of mobile shopping? While traditional Internet users’ demographics and psychographics have spread across all ages, genders, and personalities, the mobile consumer can be much more targeted, especially when it comes to age. Although the target market for mobile shopping can be argued to be any consumer who owns an Internet-enable phone, there is the presence of a “bull’s eye” target market. Nielson, the famed marketing research company, found this market to be Millennials, aged 25-34 with an income of $50-100k to be the prime mobile shopper. This data proves to be in line with the thought that consumers with a disposable income tend to shop more. In addition, this data aligns with the view that young adults are more receptive to technology, using their phones and tablets much more often than the average consumer. To this fact, Nielson found that 57% of the mobile consumer market is made up of shoppers under the age of 45. And interestingly enough, although women are known to make most shopping decisions, both genders seem to mobile shop pretty equally; however, Nielson notes that women are still more prone to facilitate an actual purchase through their phones.