Charismatic Leadership
Ferragamo. It has become one of the most signature symbols in men’s fashion in the United States. By simply taking a walk down Wall Street, one can witness dozens of Ferragamo shoes being worn by bankers and financial analysts busy at work.

The brand has experienced such success due to the charismatic leadership of its founder, Salvatore Ferragamo. While having passed away decades ago, a trip to a Ferragamo stores immediately emanates his character as all sales associates are well versed in the rich history of the brand.
Although many luxury brands have achieved status among today’s consumers, not all brands have experienced charismatic leadership. The following are the qualities needed to be a charismatic leader:
1. Maturity
For a leader to have charisma in the eye of their employees, it is imperative that they are mature and understand that the true purpose of their job is not for status but instead to apply their knowledge to improve the company and its employees.
2. Communication
Any charismatic leader has become one due to their fantastic communication skills. They are easily able to communicate their vision and inspire others to believe in its success.
3. Humility
Such leaders are also able to put their own pride aside when needed as well as be willing to hear critiques and problems from their employees. This humility can be depicted in Ferragamo’s persistence to succeed after the Great Depression of 1929 forced him out of business, in which he returned just seven years later. Ferragamo showed this characteristic again when Mussolini’s economic sanctions prevented him from using leather and he then began experimenting with materials such as fish skin, raffia, and cork that gained him attention all throughout the industry.
4. Substance
Having knowledge of one’s business is an imperative aspect of a charismatic leader. Personality can only get one so far until others realize it is all just show. In fact, it was Ferragamo’s knowledge of the foot’s anatomy that allowed him to make the finely crafted- and comfortable I might add- shoes that he became famous for.
5. Considerations
The ability for a leader or manager to be sympathetic, understanding, and exemplify the importance of their employees is arguably the most important aspect that creates their charisma. Ferragamo prides itself on a very familial-feel, an atmosphere I can only imagine was implemented by Salvatore Ferragamo himself.
While the Harvard Business Review notes that charisma is not necessary for a leader’s success, it provide a large advantage by stirring belief and trust in the person’s leadership among their employee